July 13, 2010

3- Populars, Europe, and Fruits

Popularity. Some people inherit it and some gain it. It's like winning a gold medal. Or is it? The people who are populars think so. In movies they are the top dogs. They run the school (metaphorically speaking). They make it feel like when you're talking to them, it's as life changing as meeting the Queen of England. They make you feel special. I knew some girls like that in my 6th grade class. For one second you believe that they are your real friends and the next they are backstabbing you to the next person in sight. The point is when you get friends, think of who are the true ones. The ones that support you, and have your back on every occasion. I personally have three best friends. Two are related to me. One lives in Europe. We are all going to go different junior highs. Another thing that bugs me are cliques. Those popular girls had a clique. Unfortunately, me and one of my best friends were a part of one. The other girls, our so-called "friends" were so nice to us that they made their own clique. I could go on all day telling all the awful things those girls (let's call them strawberry, banana, and blueberry) did. Or I could just tell you their addresses and ask you to go teepee their houses. Nah, just kidding. Anyway, I know that junior high isn't completely like the movies, but they have similarities. I know there will be the popular girls that expect everyone to fall on their knees when they are around. My plan is to stay away from them and try to make a few friends. I don't want to completely forget about my friends, but I don't want to be a loner sitting on the side. I think that's all for today. Oh, I'm going up north for the next three days so I'll see if I get Internet connection. Bye - Bye!!!

Note: Never Give Up!